Downhill Skateboard racing is coming back to the Historic Maryhill Loops Road, August 30, 31 and September 1, 2019.
The Tour de Maryhill will be an International Downhill Federation (IDF) sanctioned World Cup Qualifying race, you must be an IDF member and IDF rules will be in place. See the IDF website for more details on the IDF rules and memberships.
For the first time ever, uphill electric skateboarding (Esk8) racing is coming to The Loops Road, with uphill speeds in excess of 50 mph, these boards are scary fast. Esk8 racers do not have to be IDF members. Esk8 only registration is at the bottom of this page.
Weekend Schedule
Friday August 30, 2019
9:00 am to 5:00 pm – Practice Day; There will be as many practice runs as possible from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Saturday August 31, 2019
Qualifying Day – There will be 2 practice runs at 9:00 am and then we will run timed qualifying runs until everyone gets a qualifying time. Once qualifying runs are complete, there will either be more practice runs or “race to qualify”, depending on the number of racers in the open class.
Sunday September 1, 2019.
Race Day! We will spend all day racing to determine who is the fastest on the most famous skateboarding hill in the world.
If we have enough participants, we will have the following classes;
- Open Street Luge
- Women’s Street Luge (if enough entries)
- JR Street Luge
- Open skateboarding
- Women’s Skateboarding
- JR Skateboarding
- IDF masters skateboarding – (35 to 49 years old)
- Grand Masters – 50+ – We are introducing the First Annual Sam Hill Memorial Grand Masters Cup, This Trophy will be engraved with the winners name for posterity.
There will be a $5000 total cash purse all classes but the juniors, who will receive swag.
You must register at the IDF website and the cost is $225 (there is no additional charge for additional classes and includes a commemorative water bottle, breakfast, daily lunches, camping at the hill and racing the best hill in the world.
For information, sponsorship and volunteer opportunities, please email us at [email protected]